Discover Tot-ally Awesome Daycare
Welcome to Tot-ally Awesome Daycare.Your children deserve nothing but the best, so bring them here for an inviting environment that encourages curiosity and fun! Now enrolling for full time care. Take a look at our website to get more information about our program and anyone interested in enrolling your children, go to the "Forms" tab and submit the Pre-Enrollment Application and upload it via chat and we will get back to you ASAP! This is a place for children to grow, learn and play. We strive to offer a home-like and nurturing environment so your littles miss home a little less every day that they're here!

Our Story
What We’re All About
Tot-ally Awesome Daycare adheres to a holistic approach of early childhood education. When we expose children to different environments and various learning experiences, we allow them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once they leave our daycare, they’re fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives.
Our Educational Programs

Outdoor/Nature-Based Learning
Here For You
Our nature based program might be the right fit for you. We spend time outside on the swings, the sandbox, or kicking around a ball. Exploring the outdoors may help children learn about different textures, creatures, and weather! We LOVE to visit Lilo and Buneroo, who are our outside pet rabbits. In the summer, we start a garden. A garden can help those picky eaters to be more open minded to trying new and healthy foods!! No matter what your child needs, our programs will provide the support and tools necessary for optimal growth.
Play-Based Learning
What You Need
Our program tends to fill up fast - so if you’re interested, get in touch today to reserve a spot for your child while openings are still available. Feel free to give us a call with any questions!
Playing and exploring is SO important for the development of babies and toddlers. There are many benefits of play learning including but not limited to:
- Language development
- Social and emotional skills
- Fine and gross motor skills
- Positive disposition toward learning
- Process oriented

Get to Know Us
Your child will have learning opportunities (with help) all throughout the day including but not limited to:
Putting shoes on and taking shoes off
Putting shoes in the designated shoe area
Cleaning up plate and putting plate in the sink
Putting milk cup back in the fridge
Washing hands before/after meals, after diaper/potty, after outside time
Being gentle with animals (dogs, cat, rabbits)
Sharing with their peers
Language development for kindness, needs, wants, and more.
Brushing teeth
Awareness of surroundings (example: not walking behind or in front of someone on the swings)
Lining up at the door before going outside
Using inside voice
Cleaning up after themselves (toys, projects etc.)
Gardening (summertime)
Getting coat on/off and hanging it up on the children coat rack
Up Close & Personal
Our mission is to provide a nature/play-based program where it is safe, welcoming, educational, and FUN for all infants, toddlers, and children. Children are encouraged to express their emotions, creativity, individualism, and thirst for knowledge. Go to the Forms page and fill out the pre-enrollment application to start the process of getting a tour and enrolling your child!

Our menu
We serve 2 snacks and 2 meals per day consisting of dye free foods, organic fruits and vegetables, protein, whole grains, milk, and water. in this meal, we have homemade mac n cheese with whole grain noodles and real cheese, organic baby carrots, mandarin orange and veggie puffs.
About My Family
Kayah, Garrett, and Blaine
Tot-ally Awesome Daycare was established in 2022 by Kayah Krulock. 27 years old with 12 years of experience caring for children from babysitting, being a parent herself, and now owning and operating a daycare. She is passionate about providing children with a safe and nurturing environment where parents can always trust their children are doing well while parents are working. Kayah feels strongly about providing this type of environment for children because she knows how hard it is to entrust other people with your children especially when they are so little. We have 2 friendly dogs, a cat, and 2 outdoor bunnies. Any contact is always supervised. Garrett, Kayah’s significant other and Blaine’s favorite guy ever, is about to graduate with his masters and move on to get his doctorate afterwards. He works remotely as a research data analyst. In his free time, he loves to play Legos with Blaine, read, or build/fix things around the house. Blaine is 5 years old and a sweet and kind boy. He loves helping with the daycare but usually plays Legos, swings on the swing set, plays in the sandbox, or try’s wrestling with Garrett during his free time. He will be returning to school this September and back at the end of December

Our Prices
Daytime toddler and children’s rates:
Daily (1-2 days): $65/day
Part time (3 days): $195/week
Full time (4-5 days): $225-$250/week
Daytime Infant rates (3 month-12 month):
Daily (1-2 days): $85/day
Part time (3 days): $210/week
Full time (4-5 days): $250-$290/week

Special Deals
Occasionally, we will host parents night out or weekend daycare!
Every last Saturday of the month up until July, we are hosting PARENTS NIGHT OUT! 4:00pm/5:00pm-7:00pm @ $15/hr.
Contact Us

Where the Passion Begins

Kayah Krulock
As our Director, Kayah is committed to helping children explore and learn in a hands-on environment. Nothing brings her more happiness than seeing the growth and evolution of her students. Becoming a young single mother at the age of 21, Kayah has dedicated her life to becoming the best mother and person she can be for not only herself but for her son and family and friends and now - students. The most important thing to Kayah is to raise her son and our future generations to make the world a better place by raising kind, strong, confident, and happy children. Being a young mother was a great struggle, so Kayah also finds so much reward in helping parents by going above and beyond when they need it and when she is able to. She also is understanding of parents with anxiety of leaving their children with other people, and will work with you. Reach out with any questions and she will be happy to answer them!